M. Limnios*, N. R. Hansen. Chapter under review. (*Corresponding Author). May 2024.
S. Clémençon, M. Limnios*, N. Vayatis. Under review, journal submission. (*Corresponding Author, alphabetical order that does not represent the contributions of the authors). February 2023.
M. Garin*, M. Limnios*, A. Nicolaï*, I. Bargiotas, O. Boulant, S. Chick, A. Dib, T. Evgeniou, M. Fekom, A. Kalogeratos, C. Labourdette, A. Ovchinnikov, R. Porcher, C. Pouchol, N. Vayatis. (*Equal contributions). Preprint. September 2021.
M. Limnios*, N. Noiry, S. Clémençon. To appear in Machine Learning, Springer Nature. June 2022.
S. Clémençon, M. Limnios*, N. Vayatis. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Bernoulli Society, vol 15(2), pp 4659 -- 4717. (*Corresponding Author, alphabetical order that does not represent the contributions of the authors). April 2021.
I. Bargiotas, A. Kalogeratos, M. Limnios, P-P. Vidal, D. Ricard, N. Vayatis. PLOS ONE. February 2021.
A. Nicolai, M. Limnios, A. Trouve, J. Audiffren. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. February 2021.
M. Limnios, S. Clémençon. Accepted to Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2024. May 2024.
M. Limnios, N. Noiry, S. Clémençon. LIDTA21: 3rd International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, co-located with ECML/PKDD 2021. September 2021.
I. Bargiotas, A. Kalogeratos, M. Limnios, P-P. Vidal, D. Ricard, N. Vayatis. SETN 2020: 11th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence. September 2020.
Ph.D. thesis
M. Limnios. Université Paris-Saclay, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Paris-Saclay, Centre Borelli. March 2022.